Friday 20 September 2013

Acne Diary Pt. 3

Read on google some people took zinc supplement and it work on them but some didnt.
So I bought zinc supplement from nature's plus which called cal/mag/zinc supplement. The zinc is 18.75 mg which means I should take 2 tablets if to fulfil the recommended dosage for acne 30 mg. Daily value should be 8 mg - 20 mg.
I did take it daily for three days but then stopped it because I didnt see any improvements but well, might continue eat it again tonight.
They also said vit E might be helpful and maximum dosage 400 IU daily, which some doctors considered 125 IU has already more than enough. I dont really want to consume this daily, may be twice a week or once a week.

One of my friend suggested me to do fruit detox, I tried it but on second day I fell ill.
Fruit detox is when you only eat fruits a whole day. Too bad it cost me too high, unaffordable since fruits are expensive these days. More over, fruit detox need a lot of fruits and varieties, which is hard for me.

On first day I drink lemon water, eat kiwi, guava, papaya, dragon fruit, carrott, as well as navel and apple.
On second day the menu was the same like the first day minus carrot but included jicama. On the afternoon I feel I would faint and quickly eat some vegetables (stir-fry with oil and MSG, bought from a canteen) and Patpoles medicine.

I did notice my pimples dried and no longer red on the first day. It's just this kind of detox would only kill me. Reminds me of Siddhartha's six torturing years before He gained enlightenment.

So today I have a cup of thick quaker and a whole of guava and apple for breakfast. My snack is half-boiled broccoli. Lunch is a soup of carrot, silkgourd, cilantro, and tofu. Without oil, even olive oil.
But I guess it's spoiled a little since today is my brother birthday so I eat a little bit of fried noodles. A very little portion.

Of course, this morning I notice pimples become kinda red again.

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