Saturday 27 September 2014

Jia Chong and Li Wan

lately, just because that silly koei added jia chong character in its dynasty warriors installment, i browse all sources related to this real person in history.
first, he definitely didn't have that vampire look like koei's version
second, he's very loyal to sima family, at the same time, he also established powerful influence in jin dynasty.
third, well, he's just another people in history.

because he's quite a prominent character, his records in history was quite abundant, including folktales and such.
it seems he's not a good person, but at least not some maniac mind or such, as if most all he deeds were for sima clan, as well as his own glory and wealth.

i'm a not a historian, therefore i'm browsing whatever i want to know about his personal life.
silly enough, want to know about a  person who lived in year 217. now is 2014 !!!

about jia chong :
- born : 217, died : 282 (d.65)
- father : jia kui (174-228, d.54), a civil officer who held title Secondary Marquis
- mother : lady liu, sister of liu fu
- younger brother : jia hun
- sons :
jia limin (son of guo huai, died at 3)
unnamed son (son of guo huai, died at 1)
- wives :
li wan (styled shuwen, daughter of li feng, birth and death year unknown)
guo huai (237-296, d.59)
- daughters :
jia bao (or jia quan, daughter of li wan, married to prince sima you)
jia yu (or jia jun)
jia nanfeng (daughter of guo huai, later became empress jia)
jia wu (daughter of guo huai, married to han shou)
nephews :
- jia yi, jia zun, jia mo (jia mo was a doctor and was killed by empress jia)
grandchildren :
- jia mi (son of jia wu and han shou, surname changed to jia in order to continue jia's line)
- han weizu


about li wan :
- father : li feng (unknown birth, died in 254)
- mother : unknown
- siblings : one brother li tao, married to princess qichang (cao rui's daughter)
- husband : jia chong (divorced in 254, he's 37 by that time)
- artworks : 《典式》八篇,《世说注》《妇人集》《女训》《隋书经籍志注》

before leaving her two daughters, she wrote some book about moral conduct for them to make sure her daughters received decent education while she's away.
during her exile in le lang (now in north korea, nak-rang), she also wrote some books. but all of them doesn't exists anymore now.

the book of 女训 (translated: female training) essence was more or the less the same : "it's important for a woman to have a beautiful face, but to have a kind heart outshines everything"
background story :

this following is more about li wan, which i tried to compile from various sources. sorry for any grammar mistakes :

li feng and li tao (father and brother)

li wan's father was li feng, also a famous official in wei, said was handsome and smart since his youth. li feng tried to avoid conflict of political powers between sima clan and cao family (lead by cao fang and empress guo), thou sima shi highly regarded him, but li feng prefer to work under xiahou xuan who detest sima shi (xiahou hui was xiahou xuan's  sister, sima shi's first wife, rumored was poisoned to death by sima shi because she disagreed with sima shi who disrespect cao family).

li feng married off his son li tao to cao family (princess qichang) while his daughter li wan to sima's trusted subject jia chong. i just wonder when he plotted against sima shi, did he ever think about the consequences ? 

dissolution of marriage

in 254 along with cao fang and his friends zhang ji (cao fang's father in law) and xiahou xuan, they plotted to assasinate sima shi but failed, as a result all of their clans were executed or at least exiled (princess qi chang however, re-married to ren kai and it seemed her three sons from li tao were pardoned).

jia chong, to show his loyalty to sima clan, which he'd served since he was 11 (by that time his father, cao's loyalist, had already passed away), divorced li wan, kept the two daughters with him, sent away li wan alone to exile.

did he have to divorce her ?
in 251, general guo huai's wife, sister of the rebel wang ling, being pardoned by sima yi after considering general guo hai's reputation that time. general guo huai had done many deeds to establish wei dynasty during his active days.
in 249, general yang hu's wife, sister of defector xiahou ba, neither executed nor exiled, but still manage to live peacefully with her husband. at that time yang hu was merely low officer but dared enough to still associate with xiahou family. yang hu's sister was one of sima shi's wife and his aunt was cai yan.

so the answer  is, yes he must.
the guo family of general guo huai was wellknown and had strong influence, so i suppose general guo huai asked for sima yi to pardon his wife, and sima yi would not need to think twice agreeing on it.
as for yang hu, lady xiahou escaped punishment might somehow because she was related to her famous ancestors, the xiahou family still held great power that time.

jia chong, if he was still clinging onto li wan, his own career might be threatened. by divorcing relative of a traitor (in this case li wan), jia chong wouldn't have to bear any responsibilities and consequences of li family anymore. this is also to show his loyalty toward sima family at the same time to cleanse himself from negative suspicion.
after all, from the political point of view, li wan has no longer political benefit to jia chong anymore.

sounds cruel ... 
but it was normal that time to divorce your wife if she's related to traitor's family and most officials did it.

in wu state, general lu kang's wife, lady zhang, was zhuge ke's niece. zhuge ke was accused of high treason and his niece lady zhang was exiled. it didn't mention lu kang divorced her neither she later gained amnesty like li wan or not, but it's just -a cruel world- that even lu kang, couldn't stop this custom.
i wonder if he'd ever beg the king or not ... you know, lady zhang was only 'a niece' yet still can't escape punishment.

back to li wan ...
like many other widows, it was also something extremely sad but no use to blame anyone. so li wan left the capital, set to le lang, lived her life in that faraway place, alone. she might take some ladies-in-waiting with her as well and keep some money to make sure she would survive longer in there.

254-265 in exile

li wan might try to survive in that faraway land, lived a hard and toughful life, but pretty sure her life won't be like living dead there, she survived anyway.

in that ten years,
as many officials whose wives also exiled, were usually re-married, so did jia chong. three years after the divorce, he married lady guo huai, niece of general guo huai. she was 20 years younger,
bore jia chong 2 sons and 2 daughters. both sons died young, it was said out of jealousy, guo huai killed her son's wetnurses after suspecting they had affair with jia chong. therefore the infants died as well. whether this blame was true or false, the fact was, jia chong didn't have any male heir and didn't seem to give a hard complain about it.

the other two daughters, li wan's born, might be raised by lady liu, jia chong's mother, however no written source to claim this. so they might be stay under the same roof with guo huai, and it seemed guo huai won't bother to get rid of them as well as they kept their head down.

jia bao, the oldest, married to sima you, son of sima zhao.
we don't know about jia yu's husband.

and in this ten years, we all knew jia chong's career also rocketed very well, that might more or less with help from guo family which was reputable and powerful in the area.

the ten years passed, sima yan took the throne and established jin dynasty, naming himself wu emperor. like his uncle sima shi and his father sima zhao, emperor wu trusted jia chong very much, entrusted him to revise legal codes and laws in jin government. by this time jia chong had already become a powerful official in the court. during this time, emperor wu granted amnesty to all relatives of traitors, therefore li wan, could come back to the capital and reunited with her family.

it's not only li wan who got amnesty, most widows also returned and the husbands must adjust their lives with the new change again.

his mother urged jia chong to greet li wan and invited her into the house. but knowing it won't be easy for guo huai who'd been the boss at their home, jia chong set a new residence to li wan, separated the two ladies.
even emperor wu granted special status for both ladies as 'wife' (none was demoted to concubine level, as that time the law only permitted a man had one wife only, but may have concubines), jia chong still kept his distance from li wan.

when jia chong's mother was ill and near death, jia chong asked her if she got last wishes, but his mother said had already tell him to bring li wan back but he didn't listen.

there's not mention guo huai was a kind-hearted or humble woman, therefore she would absolutely not welcome li wan. 
after all, it has been ten years. the first ten years of his marriage life was spent with li wan was considered enough for him, his future was with guo huai.
but he did all he got to do, he made sure li wan enjoyed peaceful and secluded life in her new home.

it was said jia chong never visits li wan at all after her return.

at this time, jia bao had already married to prince sima you, but no matter how she and her sister jia yu begged their father to visit li wan and took her back to their residence, jia chong refused.
(for your information, sima you was sima zhao's son, little brother of sima yan who was adopted by sima shi who got no male heir, he married to jia bao, who associated with li feng whom his adopt father killed).

it was clear that both daughters of li wan tried several times to convince their father to accept li wan but he never moved by them.
but there is no mention if li wan herself would beg him if she got the chance.
li wan was smart, we knew she wrote books, she was came from scholar family.
she also manage to survive during her exile in faraway country, alone, leaving her daughters and husband, and took the fact that her father being executed.
ten years in exile, everything has changed. she might not expect herself still alive, but she definitely knew jia chong would marry again.
so, facing the big change again in her life now, it should be not a big deal if jia chong refused to meet her.

after all, it's guo huai. daughter of influential family, and li wan was only jia chong's past with no political support, no benefit for him.

also, ten years in exile, you could imagine how's she looked like compared with guo huai. no comment here.

eventually jia nanfeng, daughter of guo huai, married to crown prince therefore guo huai became mother of the crown princess.
li wan was only mother of a princess. guo huai finally went to see li wan herself, with lots of confidence and, of course, arrogantly. can't blame her ... but initially hoped a respect from li wan, it was said after seeing li wan, guo huai paid her respect to li wan anyway. some said she was in awe of li wan's charisma, some said she was just slipped so she bowed to her. but i think, they did involved in conversation or debate and guo huai realized she lost in this term so she paid respect to li wan. this might be their first as well as their last meeting. there was a saying that guo huai often sent her spies to spot jia chong, whenever he went out, to make sure if jia chong visited li wan or not. but it seemed jia chong was a steel-hearted person, if not pig-headed, since he didn't visit li wan.

it was even said after jia nanfeng became empress, the emperor prohibited li wan to have any association with jia chong because it brought jealousy to empress' mother (guo huai). jia bao heard about this and became so stressed, ill, and died. this sounds not important but women when over-jealous is really something !

folktales, fanfiction, whatever uncredible sources could say whatever they like, such as jia chong bribed the spies to tell lies if he didn't visit li wan but in fact he did meet her. well, i don't think this is important because no matter how evil guo huai (if it's like they said), at least in jia chong's mind, guo huai was the person who easen his way to climb up becoming top officer of jin came true.

when jia nanfeng became empress and controlling the court herself, got rid of rival officers, she got backup from guo family as well as from empress yang's clan (guo huai was close to empress yang, wife of empress wu).

there was also a source stated that jia chong had rivals who tried to sent him to battlefight. but he managed to escape this task by asking his wife to persuade empress yang to convince emperor wu to take jia nanfeng as crown princess. by law at that time, crown princess' father should stay in capital so he managed to get away from his rival this time. a year later, jia chong got rid of his rivals once and for all.
(one of his rival was ren kai, princess qichang's second husband, who was previously married to li wan's brother, li tao ... the world is small, huh?)

if it's li wan, i doubt she would bother herself to help jia chong in political affairs. after all her clan wasn't really super compared with guo clan.

folktales, sayings, whatever, often stated jia chong was too afraid to guo huai so he avoid li wan.
considering his high status and sonless, it would be make sense to have concubines but jia chong never have one.
but i think this is not about jia chong's afraid of his wife's temper, more about political power that he still need from guo clan. may be guo huai used this to threat him ...
or may be simply jia chong's true love was guo huai, we never know about how destiny works.

jia chong died in 282, at 65 years old. he was gravely ill and was visited by emperor wu himself and crown prince sima zhong.
he didn't have good reputation but emperor wu deeply trusted him so his posthumously name which initially was "illegal acts" was revised by emperor wu into "martial".

historians mostly believed li wan died after jia chong, jia yu tried to persuade empress jia and guo huai to let li wan's body buried next to jia chong but was absolutely declined. after jia nanfeng deposed and killed, it was said she managed to convince officials at that time to move her mother's tomb next to jia chong, thou it's not stated whether guo huai's tomb was removed or stacked, or such...

one of the greatest jia chong's "sin" was directing his subordinate to kill emperor Cao Mao who was angry with Sima Zhao's dominant power. the public condemned both jia chong and his subordinate to be executed but sima zhao, of course, released jia chong.
it was also said, sun hao, emperor of eastern wu, after surrendering to jin, was brought
to luo yang and greeted by emperor wu. known to be tyrannical and torturing people, jia chong asked sun hao if it's true in wu there's a torture that poking out eye and peeling facial skin. sun hao replied that this kind of torture was for they who dare to betray their emperor. jia chong, who was behind emperor cao mao's death, was very humiliated.

there was a poem that referred to the conversation between jia chong and li wan, when they're still together.
i don't know where they got this source, but it seems quite famous anyway ...


more or less, the poet was about jia chong convincing li wan that he loves her wholeheartedly. sounds bullshit ... haha.

jia chong asked what's the sound, a very sad cry from inside their room
li wan replied she cried because of him, she's afraid he doesn't love her anymore
he replied that the bond between them is strong, his unwavering heart
she doubts it saying that nothing last forever, meeting and departing, unpredicted changes
he convinced her again saying he had reached until the bottom of his heart, what he said was true
so she said if he could keep the promise, therefore she could live forever with him.

some commentators indicated this conversation was happened before li wan departed to le lang, so in her exile, she could hold on her husband's words and live as if they're still together. some said this happened some time after their marriage. some said this was after li wan's return however jia chong dare not to come into her house,and stood outside.
as for me, this happened only in someone's imagination. yeah, sad.

whatever, in fact he married guo huai and spent his old days not with li wan. life is about changes.
that's why somehow, my mind would apply those six lines conversation imagining it was guo huai who was crying after finding out li wan's back and jia chong convinced her that his heart won't change for her, so guo huai would live forever with him.

conclusion ...
it isn't really important to conclude, it's not even important to write this post right from the beginning.
jia chong WHO ?
but well yeah, as one of the jia chong fans of dw8 ...

... i like his-story ... XD

[3] ,


  1. Can you give me the sources of where you find these informations?

    1. hi, thanks for reading. i've added the sources in this post. please if you find more info about them or need to correct some mistakes, kindly please tell me. thank u ^^
